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All those listed below have completed all the requirements for certification in Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI, formerly KMI) and are members in good standing. Training includes a 500-hr, year-long training on top of their original manual therapy education as well as additional session practice and academic work. Anatomy Trains Structural Integration training compares favorably with training in Rolfing®, Hellerwork, or other Structural Integration schools.
The practitioner search and the Contact Practitioner function is for potential clients to find ATSI practitioners in good standing with Anatomy Trains. Please respect the integrity of this offering to potential Structural Integration clients and ATSI practitioners, and do not use this search function or form to spam practitioners regarding courses, products, or programs.
Showing 1–25 of 272 results
Name | Location |
Kyra Ahlstrom |
Portland, OR, USA |
Sylvia Musmin Ahmina |
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Daniel Akins |
Las Vegas, NV, USA |
Andrew Alvarado |
Richmond, VA, USA |
Serafino Ambrosio |
Rome, Italy |
Melissa Ausili |
New York, NY, USA |
Joanne Avison |
Brighton, UK |
Michelle Baracz |
Frederick , MD, USA |
Gerald Basile |
Garden City, NY, USA |
Cate Beehan |
Portland, ME, USA |
Karl Beers |
Detroit, MI, USA |
Lou Benson |
Atlanta, GA, USA |
Susan Blumin |
Palmetto, FL, USA |
Chad Bogdonovich |
Greenwood, WI, USA |
Hazel Boot |
Somerfield, Christchurch, New Zealand |
Jo Jean M. Bordwell |
Las Vegas, NV, USA |
Justin Bosten |
Bend, USA |
Hilary Boucher |
Collingwood, ON, Canada |
Moira Bradley |
Rye, NH, USA |
Eleanor Bramwell |
Towson, MD, USA |
Ingrid Bregand |
Tucson, AZ, USA |
Bryon Brewster |
Toronto, ON, Canada |
Sylvia (Mona) Brooks |
Asheboro, NC, USA |
Jaret Brooks |
Coconut Creek, FL, USA |
Melanie Burns |
Wiscasset, ME, USA |