Anatomy Trains provides best-in-class educational products and services for manual and movement professionals worldwide.


Anatomy Trains is an industry leader in Structural Integration, providing the highest quality training programs, teachers, products and practitioners. Anatomy Trains incorporates current research and provides holistic maps and practical tools to unify ‘Spatial Medicine’.


To establish worldwide partners aligned with Anatomy Trains philosophy, standards, and methodology.

To support an infrastructure of highly trained and skilled teachers and practitioners.

Melanie Burns

Melanie Burns

Chief Executive Officer/Director, Anatomy Trains (UK and Europe Ltd) / ATSI Certified Practitioner

Erin Sproul

Erin Sproul

Social Media, Web and Brand Marketing Manager - Anatomy Trains US

Francesca DiPrima

Francesca DiPrima

Marketing and Student Support Specialist - Anatomy Trains US

Stephanie Stoy

Stephanie Stoy

Manager of Continuing Education - Anatomy Trains US

Julie Hammond

Julie Hammond

Director, Anatomy Trains Australia and New Zealand / ATSI Certified Pracitioner

Becky Eugley

Becky Eugley

Treasurer - Anatomy Trains US, Manager of Clark’s Cove Enterprises

Kathy Green

Kathy Green

Director, Anatomy Trains (UK and Europe Ltd)

Dr. J Peter Green

Dr. J Peter Green

Director, Anatomy Trains (UK and Europe Ltd)

Rachel Sampol

Rachel Sampol

Administration & Marketing Officer, Anatomy Trains Australia and New Zealand

Irene Bentley

Irene Bentley

Administrator, Anatomy Trains (UK and Europe Ltd)