Tag: Chiropractic

Biomechanical Auto-Regulation

I am so over the word ‘fascia’. I have touted it for 40 years – I was even called the ‘Father of Fascia’ the other day in New York (it was meant kindly, but…) — now that ‘fascia’ has become a buzzword and is being used for everything and anything, I am pulling back from… Read more

A Day with Jaap van der Wal

We’ll have more to say about the 4th Fascia Research Congress, but I capped it off by spending a day trapped in an airless conference room on uncomfortable seats in the presence of one of the most passionate Renaissance thinkers in the anatomical world – Jaap van der Wal.  Dr. van der Wal has been… Read more

Tom Myers treating compartment syndrome

Q&A with Tom: Compartment Syndrome Treatment

Hi Tom! In the role of coach of a football (soccer) team for youth girls, I studied some of your recommended books/literature in search for methods to treat/prevent compartment syndrome and other fascia-related problems, mostly related to the lower leg. It still seems a common perception that compartment syndrome needs a surgical solution. From what I have… Read more

Fascial Dissection

Fascia Mashers and Fascia Bashers

I’d recently been advised to read this article, which has been floating around the interwebs for a couple of years now, but is worth looking at again: Fascia Science: Stretching the power of manual therapy. Since this fellow is both sincere and clearly referring to our work, he deserves a response. In every young science… Read more

Q&A with Tom: Fuzz Speech

One of our followers on Facebook recently posed this question to Tom: What are the current thoughts about the fuzz speech? There seems to be a lot out there about it moving often and all the time which makes perfect sense, but it is also using information on a cadaver versus a living body. I seem to… Read more

Children at Play

Kinesthetic Literacy

“If you are sane in an insane world,” said R. D. Laing to me back in the 80’s, “ then you yourself are insane.”  Are we asking our children to commit an insane act and pretending it is the soul of sanity?  In requiring our ever-younger children  to sit for hours absorbing audio-visual information in school,… Read more