Tom Myers

Q&A with Tom and Lou: Tissue Direction

A student writes: When I brought up the idea of stroking proximally to distally, my instructor looked at me like I had two heads and found it alarming that I have not been taught about the dangers in venous damage from stroking in this direction.  In his past, he experienced a Hellerworker who performed a… Read more

Michol Dalcourt

Anatomy Live! 2014

Looking ahead with excitement to the collaboration between Michol Dalcourt and myself at the Laboratories of Anatomical Enlightenment in Phoenix (well, Tempe) Arizona, January 18-19. The design is to bring trainers into contact with the tissue insights that come from ‘seeing for yourself’ what tissue looks like, feels like, and how it responds, and then… Read more

KMI Maine 2012 Graduation

We just graduated 19 new KMI practitioners into the world.  It’s very satisfying to see how far people come with themselves and their skills over a 9-month period.  9 months – September to June in this case – like a pregnancy, and we often refer to ourselves as being like midwives, to emphasize that we… Read more

The Masque

Every therapeutic situation is unique – culturally and psychologically – such that the best therapist is able to morph him or herself to match a variety of client needs and presentations. Therapists who, for reasons of capacity or personal choice, do not modify their mien to meet the client are subject to the tendency to… Read more