Can Fascia Stretch?

I know this is just a little side article: Article: If We Cannot Stretch Fascia, What Are We Doing? But it provoked this response from me: While I appreciate a contrarian view, I have to weigh in on some of the inaccuracies in this article. I have no problem with ideas changing over time, and… Read more

Teacher Discussion: Stretch

We’ve been having a discussion about stretching among the teachers. It’s a bit involved but interesting if you want to follow along:   Yaron said: I’d be interested to know what points are you disagreeing with him. I thought this lecture was very thorough about what may happen to ones tissue and performance if one… Read more

Teacher Day with Tom Michaud

I finally got to put into effect an idea given to me by Mark Finch some 5 years ago or more: in-house professional development for the teachers. Yesterday, certified teachers Eli Thompson, Simone Lindner, and Jason Spitalnik were joined by associate teachers Meredith Stephens, Holly Clemens, Lauri Nimitz, and Aimee Baker in the office of… Read more

The Front Lines of Health Care

I’m down in NYC for a meeting of the Equinox Health Advisory Board.  I am not much on boards any more, but this one is a lot of fun and quite interesting, as we consider the increasing role of health clubs – and Equinox is a major provider of fitness services – in health care.… Read more

Being Bad

Today our flagship trainees – those in the 500-hr KMI Structural Integration program – will be doing their first actual bodywork session within the program – practicing a lower body session on each other, preparatory to having an outside clinical model for the same session later this week. These sessions combine several skill sets –… Read more

Introducing Anatomy Trains Webinars

These webinars are a new adventure for me, so here’s what I’m doing: I’ve been reluctant to do webinars because all of bodywork, hands-on healing, manual therapy, somatic education – whatever you call it – our work has the unique quality of being passed through presence, through the direct touch of being to being. At… Read more