Tag: Personal Trainers

Q&A with Tom: Fuzz Speech

One of our followers on Facebook recently posed this question to Tom: What are the current thoughts about the fuzz speech? There seems to be a lot out there about it moving often and all the time which makes perfect sense, but it is also using information on a cadaver versus a living body. I seem to… Read more

Children at Play

Kinesthetic Literacy

“If you are sane in an insane world,” said R. D. Laing to me back in the 80’s, “ then you yourself are insane.”  Are we asking our children to commit an insane act and pretending it is the soul of sanity?  In requiring our ever-younger children  to sit for hours absorbing audio-visual information in school,… Read more

Q&A with Tom: Linea Alba Separation

A reader asks: Do you or your team have any experience with linea alba / deep abdominal fascia separation? Can it heal? Can separations be strengthened? Tom replies: A bit hard to answer generalities – depends on how large and open the diastasis (abdominal hernia of the linea alba) is.  Also different responses happen to… Read more

The Front Lines of Health Care

I’m down in NYC for a meeting of the Equinox Health Advisory Board.  I am not much on boards any more, but this one is a lot of fun and quite interesting, as we consider the increasing role of health clubs – and Equinox is a major provider of fitness services – in health care.… Read more