Category: News

Q&A with Tom: Linea Alba Separation

A reader asks: Do you or your team have any experience with linea alba / deep abdominal fascia separation? Can it heal? Can separations be strengthened? Tom replies: A bit hard to answer generalities – depends on how large and open the diastasis (abdominal hernia of the linea alba) is.  Also different responses happen to… Read more

Myth and Healing in Ancient Greece

We’ve posted this before, but someone recently reminded me of it again. Worth revisiting. Doctors trace their lineage back to Hippocrates. Holistic therapists can trace their lineage back to ‘Asklepios’ (Aesculapius). Here I take you on a tour of the original ‘asklepion’ (hospital) in Greece, and show you how holistic thinking was for the ancients.

KMI Australia

We have just begun our first KMI training – our version of Ida Rolf’s Structural Integration – in Australia. It throws me back 15 short / long years to when I first made my first tentative moves to initiate my own classes. It wasn’t easy to leave her institute – I had been a faithful… Read more


Fasciotomy and Fascial Release Technique

Perhaps you’ve seen this story about CNN correspondent Miles O’Brien needing an amputation: Nowadays it’s getting better, but a lot of docs – if they had heard of fascia at all – knew about it in the context of the procedure called a ‘fasciotomy’. Just as a tracheotomy is cutting open the trachea, a… Read more