Category: Fascia

How the brain ‘does’ perception – by Tom Myers

Fascia is the envelope that the message of consciousness arrives in. As we watch neurology advance to its next digitally-powered chapter, fascia and consciousness snuggle ever closer to each other. Neurology’s previous chapter – the one that I grew up on, exemplified in Skinner’s behaviourism ( – was based on the idea of ˆtabula raaa’ .  With us since Aristotle,… Read more

Fascial work with horses

Celeste Kelly gave me permission to share these pictures with you.  This is a horse’s face before and after an ‘Anatomy Trains informed’ MFR session.  I have worked with animals (not a lot) – and it is so rewarding and frustrating.  They cannot tell you a lot verbally, though they ’speak’ eloquently for those with… Read more

Fascial elasticity video from Muscles & Motion

From Tom Myers: Amit Alon, the genius of Muscles & Motion in Tel Aviv, has come up with another short video every ‘afascianado’ will enjoy. In this case, illustrating the property of elasticity in the fascial elements Amit’s animations and explanations are very worthwhile, and hit the mark between brevity and clarity Check out his… Read more