Celeste Kelly gave me permission to share these pictures with you. This is a horse’s face before and after an ‘Anatomy Trains informed’ MFR session. I have worked with animals (not a lot) – and it is so rewarding and frustrating. They cannot tell you a lot verbally, though they ’speak’ eloquently for those with ‘ears’ for the subtle messages they do send. I’m not sure I have ever seen such a change in the facial mien and manner of a horse in so short a time.
Celeste says, “The first picture was after a chiro did some work on him. She calls it MFR but, as the client explained it, was it far from the non-invasive approach. That was a week before I saw him. The second was at the end of my visit. I send this because I am so grateful all your years of research and study which led to Dr.’s Elbrond, Shultz and Due opening the whole equine field. I started with the spiral lines on both hind feet and worked through the body before I did anything on the head. Of course this was intense. I gave him several breaks to just walk and / or graze…time to let him “chill” as they say.”
“The owner texted me a day or so after to say he was much brighter and more himself. My feeling is he had been living for 2 years with a headache from hell. It is so awesome – in every sense of the word – to know you have helped made a difference for these creatures who have no control over what is asked of them, or done to them. Thank you for your work and for being part of my life.”