Tag: Osteopath

A Day with Jaap van der Wal

We’ll have more to say about the 4th Fascia Research Congress, but I capped it off by spending a day trapped in an airless conference room on uncomfortable seats in the presence of one of the most passionate Renaissance thinkers in the anatomical world – Jaap van der Wal.  Dr. van der Wal has been… Read more

Tom Myers treating compartment syndrome

Q&A with Tom: Compartment Syndrome Treatment

Hi Tom! In the role of coach of a football (soccer) team for youth girls, I studied some of your recommended books/literature in search for methods to treat/prevent compartment syndrome and other fascia-related problems, mostly related to the lower leg. It still seems a common perception that compartment syndrome needs a surgical solution. From what I have… Read more

Fascial Dissection

Fascia Mashers and Fascia Bashers

I’d recently been advised to read this article, which has been floating around the interwebs for a couple of years now, but is worth looking at again: Fascia Science: Stretching the power of manual therapy. Since this fellow is both sincere and clearly referring to our work, he deserves a response. In every young science… Read more

Q&A with Tom: Fuzz Speech

One of our followers on Facebook recently posed this question to Tom: What are the current thoughts about the fuzz speech? There seems to be a lot out there about it moving often and all the time which makes perfect sense, but it is also using information on a cadaver versus a living body. I seem to… Read more

Children at Play

Kinesthetic Literacy

“If you are sane in an insane world,” said R. D. Laing to me back in the 80’s, “ then you yourself are insane.”  Are we asking our children to commit an insane act and pretending it is the soul of sanity?  In requiring our ever-younger children  to sit for hours absorbing audio-visual information in school,… Read more

Response to a ‘Painful’ Controversy

[Editor’s Note: Tom is responding to this article, written by Nick Ng: http://tellusnewsdigest.com/health/2014/11/anatomy-trains-stirs-painful-controversy/3323/] Dear Nick Ng, You flatter the excerpt from my recent interview by raising it to the level of neurological treatise, thank you. Less convincing is the use of unnecessary words like ‘sect of followers’ (lol) and ‘maverick’ – are such editorial comments really… Read more

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