Category: News

The Microbiome and the Brain

Read Tom Myers’ commentary on the recent New York Times article, The Germs in Your Gut Are Talking to Your Brain. Scientists Want to Know What They’re Saying.  “When the researchers investigated the microbiomes of these mice, they found the animals lacked a common species called Lactobacillus reuteri. When they added a strain of that… Read more

Health and Movement

Oh, movement is involved in health – what a surprise! I get the same feeling when I see articles where scientists solemnly intone: ‘We believe that animals have something like feelings.’ Great that we can now see that movement is medicine. I would go farther and say, “Movement is food”. A lot of our body… Read more

Anatomy Trains E-Magazine: Issue 7 – Fascia

Another incredible Anatomy Trains e-magazine created by Julie Hammond, director of Anatomy Trains Australia and New Zealand and her amazing team. This seventh issue is all about fascia! Contributions from Thomas Myers Gil Hedley David Lesondak Lauri Nemetz Julie Hammond Plus teacher spotlights on Chris Clayton, Marcin Siedlaczek, and Cristy Harper! Enjoy. 

Anatomy Trains’ Top 10 Posts

‘Tis the season for end-of-the-year lists and we at Anatomy Trains have gathered our top 10 most popular blogs and social media posts of 2018. We are so grateful for our dedicated students and followers who engage with our content so thoughtfully.  We are delighted that our article “What you need to know about Fascia”… Read more