Tag: Pilates

Biomechanical Auto-Regulation

I am so over the word ‘fascia’. I have touted it for 40 years – I was even called the ‘Father of Fascia’ the other day in New York (it was meant kindly, but…) — now that ‘fascia’ has become a buzzword and is being used for everything and anything, I am pulling back from… Read more

Tom Myers and Diery

Dièry Prudent and RolPal

I don’t often get out to Brooklyn, and in Dièry’s neighborhood of Prospect Park the back yards – ‘gardens’ they would be called in England – create at least a little island of calm in this very noisy city. Looking down on all of them from Dièry’s top floor – a jumbled jungle of greens.… Read more

plantar fasciitis

Q&A with Tom: Plantar Fasciitis

Question: “Tom, how do I treat plantar fasciitis? Ice or heat? Exercise it or rest it? Special shoes? It’s extremely painful and I can’t sift through the conflicting information!” Answer: Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the aponeurosis of the foot) generates a lot of conflicting info because it really is several different conditions that get balled up… Read more


Pre- and Post-Exercise Stretching: Pros and Cons

Now, any movement is better than none, but there are a lot of cultural assumptions about stretching that we (exercisers, yoga adepts, bodyworkers, rehab specialists) have embraced without much of a foundation. The presumptions persist even as the research tells a different story. Everybody stretches, all the time. Sit down, and you are stretching the… Read more

foam roller for myofascial release

Foam Rolling and Self-Myofascial Release

To roll or not to roll? That is the question. What is happening inside when you do foam rolling or use any types of balls or tools for self-myofascial release (SMR)? For starters, you cannot foam roll fascia exclusively; all the other cells – nerve, muscle, and epithelia – are getting ‘rolled’ too. In epithelial… Read more

Q&A with Tom: Fuzz Speech

One of our followers on Facebook recently posed this question to Tom: What are the current thoughts about the fuzz speech? There seems to be a lot out there about it moving often and all the time which makes perfect sense, but it is also using information on a cadaver versus a living body. I seem to… Read more