From Tom Myers: Congratulations are due to ATSI graduate and teacher candidate Bernie Landels, who won the Structural Integration Case Report Award from the Rolf Research Foundation.
Bernice Landels is the winner of the 2019 Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation’s case report award for her submission Structural Integration: A Global Intervention Challenging the Limitations of Local Rehabilitation. The report followed the case of a client who received structural integration following ankle surgery. Local results were increased mobility and function to the lower leg and reduced pain and swelling. Global results included improvement in physical and psychological well-being and the reduction of pain and dysfunction in other areas.
Her work goes down what I feel is a very promising avenue: How SI can expand existing therapy strategies into the pattern of the whole pattern, the whole person.
The value of SI to the larger rehabilitation community – physiatrists, orthopedists, and physiotherapists- will be seen when the results ‘evidence-based’ protocols are more long-lasting when supported by ‘individual-based’ integration into overall movement and support.
Congratulations, Bernie! Keep going!