Tag: Physical Therapist

Tom Myers

Q&A with Tom and Lou: Tissue Direction

A student writes: When I brought up the idea of stroking proximally to distally, my instructor looked at me like I had two heads and found it alarming that I have not been taught about the dangers in venous damage from stroking in this direction.  In his past, he experienced a Hellerworker who performed a… Read more

The Masque

Every therapeutic situation is unique – culturally and psychologically – such that the best therapist is able to morph him or herself to match a variety of client needs and presentations. Therapists who, for reasons of capacity or personal choice, do not modify their mien to meet the client are subject to the tendency to… Read more

Q&A with Tom: Amputations & Anatomy Trains

Axel Dell asks: Hi, all! I was asked this past weekend how you apply the Anatomy Trains to people with amputations, and wasn’t sure how to answer the question. I know Tom talked about it at the teacher training, but I am pretty sure my little brain was overloaded by that point. Could you give… Read more

Can Fascia Stretch?

I know this is just a little side article: Article: If We Cannot Stretch Fascia, What Are We Doing? But it provoked this response from me: While I appreciate a contrarian view, I have to weigh in on some of the inaccuracies in this article. I have no problem with ideas changing over time, and… Read more

Teacher Discussion: Stretch

We’ve been having a discussion about stretching among the teachers. It’s a bit involved but interesting if you want to follow along:   Yaron said: I’d be interested to know what points are you disagreeing with him. I thought this lecture was very thorough about what may happen to ones tissue and performance if one… Read more

Being Bad

Today our flagship trainees – those in the 500-hr KMI Structural Integration program – will be doing their first actual bodywork session within the program – practicing a lower body session on each other, preparatory to having an outside clinical model for the same session later this week. These sessions combine several skill sets –… Read more