From Tom Myers:
I have long been a fan of reflexology – for the feet, hands, ear, and face – all have reflexes that refer out to all the body. I call this ‘imago’ – an image of the whole body ‘printed’ ion a single part. Iridology makes a similar map out of the iris of the eye.
I have never ruminated on the connection between reflexology, or ‘zone therapy’ as it was originally called, and the Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians. Annie Trigg and Sue Evans did, and here are their projections of some of the lines onto the feet.
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of their process, but it was quite impressed with the trouble they took to get the representation right. I am always happy to see new applications of the Anatomy Trains map – thank you, Annie and Sue!
For the full story or to purchase the charts, visit
And the Anatomy Trains Deep Front Line: