This summer we were delighted to host the first ever Anatomy Trains in Motion (ATiM) teacher training in North America! It was an entirely wonderful and enriching experience to have the incredible Karin Gurtner here to teach first a sold-out Anatomy Trains in Motion course, followed by the 4-day teacher training.

From Tom:
We are so fortunate to have Karin Gurtner – already so successful with the art of motion program globally – teaching and continuing to develop Anatomy Trains in Motion and train educators for us here in the US. Karin has issued the challenge: She is not, like others in the Structural Integration field, building a movement system to complement the manual therapy series, she is instead using precise movements in view of the fascial properties to structurally integrate her clients and students.

This is a challenge our bright educators have taken up (many of whom are also manual therapists) and we are excited about their commitment and inquiry.
This is a rich dialogue.
Congratulations to all our ATiM educators-in-training!