To get the best movement performance, you want complete participation of the whole body in the sport. Anatomy Trains helps you see all the kinetic chains in action – fascia, myofascia, muscle and joint – so you can fine tune for maximum athletic performance with minimum tendency to injury.

How Do I Start?

Kickoff your education with Anatomy Trains by reading Anatomy Trains Fourth Edition by Tom Myers. You’ll learn how the muscles are functionally linked in ‘myofascial meridians’ through the fascial webbing.

We also have a number of On Demand Learning courses geared towards movement professionals available on our website here.

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Read the latest news from Tom Myers and Anatomy Trains

Gil Hedley’s Nerve Tour by Tom Myers

It was a great pleasure to attend Gil Hedley’s Nerve Tour in Portland, Maine, last night. With his characteristic flair, Gil unfolds a complete anatomy of our neural net, woven with a unique and touching story of ‘Captain’ – the model for much of the project – and the involvement of his family and other… Read more