Category: Tom Q&A

Q&A with Tom: Scheuermann’s kyphosis

Read this fascinating exchange between Tom and one of our followers on Facebook about working with Scheuermann’s kyphosis. Jacob: I’m a personal trainer and I love your work! Any advice for an athlete with Scheuermann’s kyphosis? I’ve been attempting lots of different thoracic rotations/extensions. Strengthening and lengthening the hamstrings seems to mitigate pain. One issue is… Read more

Q&A with Tom: Fascial Layers

From Lauri Nemetz and Tom Myers, during Fascial Dissection labs, January 2016 : Lauri: “Traveling always gives an interesting perspective and seeing clouds, rivers, mountains, etc. echoes what we see underneath the surface of the body in lab. We have some discernible structures, and even cloud “layers” are named, but the exact beginnings and ends… Read more

Tom Myers treating compartment syndrome

Q&A with Tom: Compartment Syndrome Treatment

Hi Tom! In the role of coach of a football (soccer) team for youth girls, I studied some of your recommended books/literature in search for methods to treat/prevent compartment syndrome and other fascia-related problems, mostly related to the lower leg. It still seems a common perception that compartment syndrome needs a surgical solution. From what I have… Read more

plantar fasciitis

Q&A with Tom: Plantar Fasciitis

Question: “Tom, how do I treat plantar fasciitis? Ice or heat? Exercise it or rest it? Special shoes? It’s extremely painful and I can’t sift through the conflicting information!” Answer: Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the aponeurosis of the foot) generates a lot of conflicting info because it really is several different conditions that get balled up… Read more