
Showing all 13 results


Towards a comprehensive definition of the human fascial system

Carla Stecco, Rebecca Pratt, Laurice D. Nemetz, Robert Schleip, Antonio Stecco, Neil D. Theise First published: 15 January 2025   https://doi.org/10.1111/joa.14212 Carla Stecco and Rebecca Pratt contributed equally to this work. Abstract The absence of a clear consensus on the definition and significance of fascia and the indiscriminate use of the term throughout the clinical…

Anatomy Trains teacher-in-training Bernie Landels Wins Rolf Research Foundation Structural Integration Case Report Award

Bernice Landels is the winner of the 2019 Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation’s case report award for her submission Structural Integration: A Global Intervention Challenging the Limitations of Local Rehabilitation. The report followed the case of a client who received structural integration following ankle surgery. Local results were increased mobility and…

Source: Anatomy Trains blog


Epistemology and shifting perspectives in anatomy – from Tom Myers

“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” – Thicht Nhat Hanh We invite you for a special glimpse into our Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) classroom in Maine withAnatomy Trains author and bodywork pioneer Tom Myers. In this short…

Source: Anatomy Trains YouTube

Runtime: 04:14

Deep Front Line: A New Concept of Core streaming video

An excellent reference for Chapter 9 of Anatomy Trains 4th edition. Special offer: Anatomy Trains 4th edition readers get a discount on this video. Please email info@anatomytrains.com for details! In this exciting video course Anatomy Trains author Tom Myers, you will discover a new understanding of your core that is…

Fascial Dissection courses

Knowledge of the Anatomy Trains lines as outlined in Anatomy Trains 4th edition is greatly enhanced by taking part in one of our fascial dissection courses. Now featuring highly accessible livestreams!