Anatomy Trains for Manual Therapists Bundle




*All videos are online streaming videos

New Bundle! Enjoy a very deep discount on our essential On Demand video courses intended for manual therapists.

Perfect for the manual therapist looking to dive into techniques for the Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians.

Included is our classic set of 10 technique videos with Tom Myers that cover each of the Anatomy Trains lines, Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Session 1 with Tom Myers, and Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 3 Series with Tom Myers.

Total retail value of this package is $709! Yours at more than 50% off!

What you get:

Set of 10 Anatomy Trains Lines Technique Streaming Videos

A $360 value!

The classic streaming video set – definitive manual therapy techniques for each line, as referenced in Anatomy Trains, 4th edition. Gives you an in-depth visual introduction to the anatomy of each line, as well as clear and detailed instruction in fascial and myofascial release techniques for each line. This set includes Fascial Tensegrity, Myofascial Meridians, Superficial Front Line, Superficial Back line, Lateral Line, Spiral Line, Shoulder & Arm Lines, Functional Lines, Deep Front Line for pelvis and legs, Deep Front Line for trunk and neck.

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Session 1 with Tom Myers

A $150 value!

BodyReading Postural Assessment, Strategy, and technique delivery by Anatomy Trains author Tom Myers.

Learn common postural patterns in the Superficial Front line, and how Anatomy Trains Structural Integration works with the entire system, and not just individual pain symptoms, to help provide front to back balance and a fuller, easier breath through Session One of the Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 12 Series.

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration 3-Series

A $199 value!

This streaming video provides the protocol for an ATSI 3-Session Series, beginning with BodyReading postural assessment, strategy, protocol, and techniques for balancing the pelvis, the shoulder girdle, and the spine, and integrating all three sessions. The 3 series of structural integration is a great introduction to structural bodywork, and clients often report improvement in posture, breathing, movement, energy, and improved body awareness. Test yourself through the online quiz for CE credits upon completion.


Total run time for this package: Approximately 15 hours
Earns 15 CEUs through NCBTMB!


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