Fascial Release for Structural Balance: Fans of the Hip

2000 PLN

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  • December 11 – 13, 2015
  • Krakow, Poland
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

Based on the recently released book of the same title, the Fascial Release for Structural Balance (FRSB) series is a short intensive course limited to specific anatomy and heavy on manual soft-tissue technique.

Each course focuses on 15 – 20 core ‘templates’ for technique, which can be applied in different ways for different patterns in your clients. We will teach you the relevant structural anatomy for the area and the common postural and movement implications around each of them. The short lectures utilize many new and previously unseen teaching resources to illustrate the information in a fun, exciting and, most importantly, understandable fashion.

The courses fully explain the intent and scope of each technique and will give you plenty of time to master it and experiment with the many possible variations. We will ensure that you can apply these very effective ideas and execute them in your treatments the following day.

Fans of the Hip

The hip and pelvis combine to transfer the forces from two legs and into the one spine and therefore has a hugely complex role to fulfill in the body. ?Ida Rolf described the pelvis as ‘the joint that determines symmetry’ and it is easy to see why. Differences between the hips can affect down into the legs or up through the spine. Achieving balance here can be essential for long lasting results in any therapy. This course sheds light on the pelvis – the keystone of human architecture – by organizing the 20 or so muscles of the pelvis into three fans. Get specific with sensitivity.


  1. Seeing how the soft tissue is arranged in an easy to understand pattern – the so-called ‘fans of the hip’
  2. Using these fans to balance pelvic tilts and torsions
  3. Learning how work accurately, effectively and sensitively with the adductors around the ischial ramus and deep lateral rotators, leading to the pelvic floor
  4. The psoas complex and the many variations on ideas of how it does (or does not) affect pelvic, low back and hip patterns

Each class includes:

  • Relevant anatomy for the area – short intensive and integrated presentations assemble the best figures from multiple sources, including brand new learning tools such as video of fascial dissections and palpation of the relevant structures to convey the information in an inspiring and understandable fashion.
  • BodyReading (visual assessment) – the common postural and movement implications – how to see and ‘read’ them in the intricacy of individual patterns
  • Fascial Release Techniques – each technique is fully laid out for intent and ‘feel’, with plenty of time for practice, ensuring that you can apply these methods immediately in your practice
DatesDec 11 – 13, 2015
LocationKrakow, Poland
VenueSempre Taniec & Fitness
AddressKrakow, Poland
Class Times

Friday: 3:00pm-7:30pm / Saturday & Sunday 9:00am-5:30pm

Teacher(s)Don Thompson
Tuition2000 PLN / 1800 PLN before 10 September 2015
Credits Earned18 CEs
Cancellation Fee400 PLN
ContactDorota Stopa
+48 601 50 40 50

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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