Certified to teach:
- Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function
- Structural Essentials (ATSI Part 1)
- Structural Strategies (ATSI Part 2)
- Structural Integration (ATSI Part 3)
Don Thompson is a Board-Certified Structural Integrator (ATSI/KMI basic training & European Guild of Structural Integration – Advanced certified) and holds a degree in Bodywork from the University of Westminster in London, UK.
Don’s personal journey of discovery has led him around the world, teaching and sharing his passion for teaching touch and practitionership skills.
For the best part of a decade, Don owned a small busy SI clinic in the Scottish Highland that was run on not-for-profit and community ideals. He moved his clinical practice to Norway in 2016 and is currently traveling the world as an itinerant, journeyman bodyworker looking for a new place to put down roots.
For Don, there is nothing quite like Structural Integration … there is a power and wisdom within the SI process that can lead to a quiet sense of inner strength for the receiver. He values touch and movement as ways to help people find new options to move from and to help find the power in the – often lost – connection between the ground, gravity and our inner selves. His work is playful, reassuring, exploratory, creative … with slow, kind, hands to help the people he works with achieve the goals that they define.
Along with an extensive education in bodywork and complementary therapies, Don has found his ‘home’ in teaching for Anatomy Trains. As a teacher, he brings humour, clarity and open-enquiry to his workshops.