New from Anatomy Trains!
‘Anatomy Trains in Motion’ teacher Karin Gurtner’s latest Video: Connecting Through Fascia. This video links her evolved-Pilates approach to movement with the new Anatomy Trains in Training material from AP Lindberg.
The Anatomy Trains in Motion portion with Karin includes a daily movement practice with three ‘Anatomy Trains in Motion’ sequences, activating and balancing the lines.
The Anatomy Trains in Training portion with Anatomy Trains teacher AP includes a long-term training strategy and three Anatomy Trains in Training sequences.
Running Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Language: English
liuhejian –
Lisa –
I love this video! I am a massage therapist and a yoga teacher, and this blends the two things I am passionate about. Love how they explain how we are affecting the fascia and ‘lines’ in the body as we move and why it is so important to address them. Awesome.