BodyReading 101 + 102

$425 until Sept. 16, 2023 / $475 thereafter

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  • October 14 – 15, 2023
  • St. Charles, MO, USA
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists & Movement Professionals.

ALL NEW! Take your postural assessment skills to the next level!

Ida Rolf said, “seeing is touch at a distance”. Understanding skeletal relationships within the body is the first step in helping our clients unwind movement and postural patterns that are causing pain, dysfunction and keeping them from optimal movement.  “Touch is seeing up close” being able to accurately palpate bones to determine relationships is key in our ability to accurately describe those relationships.

101:  This one day workshop explores relational anatomy and helps build your seeing and palpation skills to determine skeletal patterns and how they interact in the body. Learn the language of BodyReading, tilt, bend, shift and rotate to accurately describe the geometry of the body in a way your client can understand. Assess common postural patterns in all planes of motion.  Skills learned today can be immediately used with your clients tomorrow. This is a must for any practitioner in movement and bodywork and will help take your practice to the next level.

102:  Now you are able to see and describe bony relationships learn about the inter-relationships between the Anatomy Trains and the skeleton. The Anatomy Trains lines of pull and force transmission are impacted by skeletal alignment and can also hold the bony alignment in place for better or worse.

“Where you think it is, it ain’t!” – Ida Rolf

Learn how the problem can be very distant from the area of pain.

This workshop covers:

  • How the meridians can hold a postural pattern and be influenced by skeletal alignment.
  • Tensegrity
  • Concentric and eccentric loading and the forces that shape our body
  • Basic functional assessments to see what is moving, what isn’t and what may be moving too much!
  • How a local restriction can have a global impact
  • How to document your findings

Note:- Please do not make any non-refundable travel arrangements until you have received final confirmation that the workshop is running

DatesOct 14 – 15, 2023
LocationSt. Charles, MO, USA
VenueDudas Fitness
Address3963 S. Old Hwy 94
St. Charles, MO 63303
Class Times

Sat 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Sun 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Teacher(s)Meredith Stephens
Tuition$425 until Sept. 16, 2023 / $475 thereafter
Cancellation FeeOn or before Aug 19- full refund; On or before Sept 16-50% refund; after Sept 16 – no refunds
ContactNicole Dudas

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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