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Anatomy Trains 2-Day Dissection Livestream Specialty Class – The Deep Front Line and the Central Nervous System – live online with Tom Myers and Todd Garcia!
We’re excited to announce a new 2-day advanced educational dissection livestream experience. For the first time in more than a year, Tom Myers and Todd Garcia will be working together in the Laboratories of Anatomical Enlightenment in Boulder! In four two-hour online sessions, Tom and Todd will you guide you first through the anatomy and fascial connections in the ventral cavity — what Tom calls the Deep Front Line — then from the bottom of the skull, around the organs, and down into the leg. The second session will take us into the brain, spinal cord, and fascial membranes that surround the central nervous system in the dorsal cavity. This special dissection livestream format allows us to go more deeply into the relationships and applications to multiple manual and movement modalities, from athletic training to trauma resolution to osteopathy.
This special dissection livestream format allows us to explore more deeply subjects in areas of interest. This course is open to all, but due to its advanced nature, some prior experience with dissection, especially our 4-day dissection livestream, is recommended.
Answers to frequently asked questions:
- All modules of this course will be recorded
- The recordings available to all registrants for 72 hours of access, due to our agreements with the donor program
- You do not have to attend live in order to receive access to the recordings
- You can choose to attend some modules live and catch some on the recording and you will still receive access to all recordings
- You can receive a certificate of completion upon request after the course ends
- All time zones are Eastern Standard Time, US. Please use a time zone converter to check your local time.
Earns 8 CEs NCBTMB; 0.8 CECs NASM, pending; 8 CEs IASI Cat. 1; 8 CECs NPCP (PMA)
Sign up for one or both days!
All times are Eastern Standard Time, US.
Note: to ensure a high quality student experience, registration with CLOSE at 8pm EST on Friday, February 26th or when course is full.
Day 1 – Saturday, February 27th
Module 1: Anterior Neck and Upper Deep Front Line – 10 AM -12 PM EST
- Superficial layers: dermis, adipose, platysma
- Superficial muscular layers: fascia colli superficialis, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
- Neurovascular bundle: common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus and phrenic nerves, lymphatic chains if present
- Motor cylinder: scalenes, longus capitis and colli
- Visceral cylinder: hyoid muscles, floor of mouth, tongue
- Muscles of mastication, remove jaw
Module 2: Upper Deep Front Line: Psoas/Diaphragm (supine, seated) – 3:00 -5:00 PM EST
- Visceral/digestive system overview, with attention to fascial attachments and adhesions (if visible)
- Retroperitoneal Structures: Psoas complex (QL, iliacus, psoas major & minor), fascial connection to kidneys
- Spinal bodies, discs, and Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
- Respiratory Diaphragm (with ˜Cobra™ lecture – 10 min)
- Thorax: Mediastinum, Parietal pleura, Pericardium, Heart, Lungs
Day 2 – Sunday, February 28th
Module 3: Deep Front Line Lower Tract (Side lying, Supine) – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
- Lowest common line: Transverse intermuscular septum, Tibialis posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallicus Longus, Tarsal tunnel, popliteus if accessible
- Thigh track: Adductor longus, brevis, magnus
- Lower psoas complex: Femoral triangle and neurovascular bundle, Lesser trochanter, Psoas/lliacus attachments as possible, Pectineus
- Upper anterior track Illiacus, Psoas Major, Lumbar plexus
- Lower posterior track: Pelvic floor fascia, Obturator internus
- Special (if possible): Differentiating psoas action on the lumbar spine
Module 4: Brain and Spinal Cord – 3:00 -5:00 PM EST
- Sub-occipital muscles review
- Spinal Dura Mater and Meninges
- Conus Medularis
- Cauda Equina and Spinal Nerves
- Vertebral Bodies and Discs
- Cranial Meninges
- Cerebri
- Cerebellum
- Falx Cerebri
- Tentorium
- Cranial Nerves