Slings in Motion: Mermaid with Double Spiral (Free Episode)
(Does not earn CEUs)
Enjoy a free movement offering from Karin Gurtner and art of motion academy. Roll out your mat and nourish your body with 9 minutes of spiraling movement to feel more limber, energized, and juicy inside!
This Slings in Motion favorite:
- Facilitates multidimensional movement ease in the spine, ribcage, and shoulders
- Enhances openness in and around the hips
- Strengthens, lengthens, and softens abdominal, back, and pelvic floor muscles and fascia
- Brings ease to the head and neck
- Deepens and expands the breath
- Massages and nourishes the internal organs
Mermaid/Merman with Double Spiral also assists dynamic balance in the autonomic nervous system, therefore:
- Strengthens the immune system
- Supports a healthy digestion
- Deepens sleep
Published on June 30, 2020
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