Fascial Release for Structural Balance: Fans of the Hip

5800 NOK / 4950 NOK before 31.12.16

Sponsored by bergenbodywork.no

  • June 2 – 4, 2017
  • Bergen, Norway
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

The FRSB workshops can be taken as stand alone workshops or as credits towards the full KMI training

Course Description:

The Fascial Release for Structural Balance (FRSB) workshops are a set of intensive soft-tissue technique courses, divided into functional regions. Each course thoroughly conveys 15 – 20 technique ‘templates’ designed for versatile application for the different patterns your clients bring to you.

The hip and pelvis combine to transfer the forces from two legs into the one spine, and therefore have a hugely complex role to fulfil in the body. Ida Rolf described the pelvis as ‘the joint that determines symmetry’ and it is easy to see why. Differences between the hips can affect down into the legs or up through the spine. Achieving balance here can be essential for long lasting results in any therapy. This course sheds light on the pelvis – the keystone of human architecture – by organising the 20 or so muscles of the pelvis into three fans. Get specific with sensitivity.


1 Seeing how the soft-tissue is arranged in an easy to understand pattern – the so-called ‘fans’ of the hip;
2 Using these fans to balance pelvic tilts and torsions
3 Learning how to work accurately, effectively and sensitively with the abductors around the ischial rams and deep lateral rotators, leading to the pelvic floor
4 The psoas complex and the many variations on ideas of how it does (or does not) affect pelvic, low back and hip patterns

Each Class Includes:

▪ Relevant anatomy for the area – short intensive and integrated presentations assemble the best figures from multiple sources, including brand new learning tools such as video of fascial dissections and palpation of the relevant structures to convey the information in an inspiring and understandable fashion
▪ BodyReading (visual assessment) – the common postural and movement implications – how to see and ‘read’ them in the intricacy of individual patterns
▪ Fascial Release Techniques – each technique is fully laid out for intent and ‘feel’ with plenty of time for practice, ensuring that you can apply these methods immediately in your practice

DatesJun 2 – 4, 2017
LocationBergen, Norway
VenueBergen Bodywork AS
AddressVestre Stømkai 1, 5008 Bergen, Norway
Class Times

Friday: 14:00-20:00 / Saturday & Sunday: 09:00-17:30

Teacher(s)Don Thompson
Tuition5800 NOK / 4950 NOK before 31.12.16
Credits Earned18 CEs
Cancellation FeeNo refund of deposit after 3 months prior to the workshop start.
No fee refund 1 month prior to the workshop start.
ContactTherese Hansen
NotesDeposit 2000 NOK

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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