Join Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains author and Structural Integration practitioner for 45+ years, with fellow structural integration colleagues.
This is an in-person, hands-on mentoring exclusively for SI practitioners.
No matter your length or depth of experience, move to your next level with Tom’s insightful guidance on all aspects of Structural Integration practice – and your own development.
Course is limited to 12 students.
- Developing high quality touch, intention, and engagement. See and feel your way into different tissue qualities, fascial properties, and the physiological ‘ground of being’ in each client. With Tom’s hands-on help, feel into which body systems – fascial, fluid, muscular, skeletal, nervous, etc. – with which we are interacting from moment to moment.
- You can bring notes and pictures (if you have permission to share) from your most challenging clients, series or sessions. Dive deeper into specific strategies, approaches, and techniques for injuries, surgeries, neurodivergence, post-partum issues, age or other situations that can no longer change and have to be worked around.
- Coaching for BodyReading, postural awareness cues and ‘homework’. Get easy with neutral language that usefully communicates what you are doing and why you are doing it. Build client trust, and learn tips to engage clients as a full participant in SI work.
- Build on your series work from differentiation to integration and beyond into advanced work.