Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function Live online modules with Anatomy Trains certified teacher Michael Watson
While there is no substitute for the experience of learning manual therapy skills guided by the inspiring Anatomy Trains global team of certified teachers, we hope you might be able to spend some time with us, during the lecture portion of this introductory course.
Due to the unusual circumstances of the global pandemic, we are offering as much of the Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function course as possible live over Zoom with time at the end of each lecture for live question & Answers with the teacher.
This Course is a series of 6 lectures, and will be delivered over Zoom video conferencing. If you are not familiar with Zoom here is an easy tutorial on how to join a zoom meeting.
Hear from our participants:
– Beth, LMT, from Maryland
“THANK YOU SO MUCH for the excellent course, all the videos, bonus webinars, etc., etc. I had a great weekend!”
– Anne from Norway
“Thank you for a lovely rounded package giving the bases of Tom’s work. Following the weekend of live webinars I have been working my way through the additional resources and have found the BodyReading webinars invaluable to consolidate my understanding of the material in the webinar. . . . Being a lecturer I appreciate your hard work in creating these learning resources. I am humbled at the amount of dissection research Tom has completed to validate his theories.”
– Jo, physiotherapist, from Scotland
11am- 1pm – Your Fascial System – with a live Q&A
2pm-4pm -Tensegrity & BodyReading Postural Patterns – with a live Q&A
11am – 1pm Deep Front Line and Arm Lines – with a live Q&A
2pm – 4pm – Manual Therapy in an Electronic Age – with a live Q&A