Understanding and Working with Scoliosis (Anatomy Trains Australia Summer School)

$1500 AUD

Registration Link

  • January 27 – 29, 2025
  • Ultimo, NSW, Australia
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

Scoliosis isn’t just a spinal issue, it is a total body pattern. Each pattern is unique and requires an individualized approach to make lasting changes in the body. This exciting new program will review the three-dimensional nature of scoliosis, itsetiology, diagnosis, progression, and treatment.

Dr.Stephens combines concepts from structural integration and Schroth therapy with her knowledge of fascia and tensegrity to create a 3D, holistic treatment approach for a stronger, healthier and more lengthened alignment. Emphasis will be placed on using hands on soft tissue strategies to address restrictions and helping the client achieve the goals of improved body awareness, alignment, breath control and function in their daily lives.

The course will focus on adults with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and degenerative lumbar scoliosis (DLS). This course will focus on teaching:

  • How to differentiate between DLS and AIS through history taking and assessment
  • Common patterns in AIS, the associated soft tissue response and how it impactsbreathand alignment
  • Postural assessment to identify spinal and whole body scoliotic patterns
  • Soft tissue strategies and applications to help restore tensegral relationships in the body
  • How to modify patient positioning for more safe and specific treatment
  • Postural awareness and alignment practices for the patient to sustain changes made in clinic, including self elongation, alignment and breathing techniques.


Dr. Meredith Stephens holds a master’s and doctorate in Physical Therapy and a bachelor’s in Exercise Physiology. She has over 25 years experience in health, wellness and rehabilitation, and has long been fascinated by the relationship of the fascial system and the central nervous system (CNS). Of particular interest is the role myofascial continuities play in force transmission, postural patterns and movement and how these are impacted by injury and pain.

As an Anatomy Trains instructor, Meredith has developed workshops and instructed courses both nationally and internationally in Anatomy Trains, tensegrity, regional anatomy, postural assessment, manual therapy interventions and fascial movement.

Meredith is a certified Pilates instructor, AT and Board Certified Structural Integrator, licensed massage therapist, and Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Rigo Method C2 certified Schroth Scoliosis practitioner.Her scoliosis course was developed using her knowledge as a PT, Schroth Therapist and Structural Integrator.

Meredith has worked with professional sports teams, dancers, equestrians and athletes and has presented at symposiums and conferences for Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers and exercise professionals.

“My goal is to educate and inspire students to learn more about the workings of the human body, the Anatomy Trains, fascia, tensegrity and how they can affect positive change in their clients.”

DatesJan 27 – 29, 2025
LocationUltimo, NSW, Australia
VenueAerial UTS Function Centre
AddressBuilding 10, Level 7/235 Jones
Street, Ultimo NSW 2007
Class Times

09.00 – 17.00 each day

Tuition1500 AUD
Contact(Toll Free) +61 8 9335 5063

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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