The Sole of Mobility


Course is over.


  • August 14 – 16, 2017
  • Walpole, ME, USA
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

Presented by Mary Bond

This workshop designed to gain body reading confidence, skill in verbal cueing, and success in creating practical and transformative movement solutions for clients. In this 3-day workshop we explore our perceptual relationship with the ground through our feet.

We will:

  • study the bony articulations of the feet and the biomechanical relationships between feet, pelvis and spine
  • understand the foot patterns and problems we see in ourselves and others
  • discover the effects of foot mobility and support on the function of legs, hips, pelvis, and spine
  • observe the effects of foot mobility and support on respiration, balance and locomotion
  • learn self-help for deficiencies in our foundations
  • apply new perceptions to the practice of any somatic discipline, and to daily living

Mary Bond studied with Ida Rolf from 1969 to 1972. Formerly the US Movement Faculty Chair of the Rolf Institute, she has been involved in the development of movement education for SI from the early days with Judith Aston to the current evolution through the work of Hubert Godard. She is the author of Balancing Your Body, The New Rules of Posture, and Posture and Presence: Your Body Mandala, and producer of a DVD: Heal Your Posture—a 7-week Workshop. It is her joy to share her perspective of movement education. Read Mary’s blog at

DatesAug 14 – 16, 2017
LocationWalpole, ME, USA
VenueKinesis Classroom
Address180 Clark's Cove RD, Walpole, ME 04573
Class Times


Teacher(s)Mary Bond
Tuition$650/$550 before July 17th, 2017
Credits Earned18 CEs NCBTMB / 18 CECs PMA
Cancellation FeeFor cancellations prior to 2 months before class – full refund less $100 admin fee; for cancellations up to 6 weeks prior – 50% refund less $100 fee; Cancellation less than 30 days prior – non-refundable.
ContactBecky or Liza at (888) 546-3747

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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