New Fascial Research – The Implications for Training

1017 NIS + VAT / 1130 NIS + VAT after Jan 31, 2017

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  • March 23 – 23, 2017
  • Zerifin, Israel
  • This course is intended for Courses with Tom Myers.

A one-day extravaganza on all the implications for our new understanding of the ‘fascial fabric’ and its response to various forms of stretch, training, and injury repair.  See the fascia as a bodywode system.  Examine the fascial components of finer, glue, and water.  Learn about the four fascial properties that are so relevant in training and repair.  Learn how fascia responds to healthy loading and unhealthy loading.  Movement is food – repetitive movement is junk food for the fascia – learn about nutritious movement to train the ‘fascial body’ as well as the neural and muscle-skeletal systems.

This course is one to all comers, but is designed for the personal trainer, athletic support person, rehab physiotherapist to improve their training methods and observation, but it is open to any body with an interest in understanding a global perspective on movement, development, and injury repair.  This course is lavishly illustrated, and will include demonstrations, along with work in pairs, small groups, and self-study.

DatesMar 23 – 23, 2017
LocationZerifin, Israel
VenueAssaf Haroff'eh Medical Center - School of Physiotherapy
AddressZerifin 70300, Israel
Class Times

9:00am – 6:00pm

Teacher(s)Tom Myers
Tuition1017 NIS + VAT / 1130 NIS + VAT after Jan 31, 2017
Credits Earned8 CEs
Cancellation FeeIf cancelled less than 90 days before, full workshop price is required. If cancelled on the workshop date, full payment is required.
ContactMark Laden
+972-54-6620286 /