The Myofascial Web with Tom Myers


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  • December 6 – 7, 2017
  • Encinitas, CA, USA
  • This course is intended for Courses with Tom Myers.

Join Anatomy Trains author Tom Myers for a fascinating journey through your own body!

Tom will take us on a far-reaching tour of how we are held together, how we move and learn new moves, and how yoga can ‘shapeshift’ your bodily system from your daily movements down through your physiology to the epigenetic expression deep in your cells.

See how muscle, bone, and all the fascial structures are all ‘manufactured’ out of a few elements in the embryo, and are shaped into place by your progressive movements as a child.
This course will review the 12 Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians and how they stabilize and stretch during asana practice.  Learn to ‘body read’ the postural and movement patterns in your students and clients, in standing, gait, and asana.  What happens to the mind, muscle, and fascia in a slumped posture?  Or in the ‘wide open, chest up’ posture you see often in yoga class?

The course includes time for your questions on common issues such as fasciitis, heel spurs, osteoporosis and other signs of aging, and how to handle difficult questions that require referral.

Yoga teachers, like it or not, are now on the front lines of health care.  Come learn from Tom’s 45 years of experience in the field

DatesDec 6 – 7, 2017
LocationEncinitas, CA, USA
VenueThe Soul of Yoga
Address627 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024
Class Times

8:00am-5:00pm each day

Teacher(s)Tom Myers
Cancellation FeePlease contact The Soul of Yoga for details
ContactMonique Lonner / The Soul of Yoga

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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