Integrating Scar Tissue Workshop


1 spot left

  • July 31 – August 2, 2015
  • Walpole, ME, USA
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

Integrating Scar Tissue is Sharon’s original discovery, and one that she is continually developing and expanding on. There are 19 separate techniques used to integrate different qualities of scar tissue into the fascial web. Most will be demonstrated in class. They are simple to learn and easy to do.

Working with scars is like speaking a different language in the world of connective tissue. Scar tissue is very dense fascia with unique properties. Scar tissue work uses a casual, light touch – a little reminiscent of working with bread dough.

The work is rarely painful – even for very new scars, and the amount of change in one intervention is extensive. The cosmetic effect is delightful and the functional changes can be profound. Natural and surgical scars of any age respond immediately followed by a short period of rapid healing and continued improvement. The improvements are permanent.

Scar tissue quality changes quickly and easily. Lumps, gaps, ridges, holes, bumps, knots, and strings in the tissue rapidly smooth out into a three dimensional fascial web. The work starts with the surface layers and goes into the far reaches of the scar including work with any involved viscera. Scar work often results in large whole body integration shifts along with trauma resolution, and nerve-impaired numbness usually resolves within a session.

Practitioners will learn these techniques well enough to take them home and use them the next day in their private practices. Scar work can fit seamlessly into an SI series or be used as a stand alone intervention session.

DatesJul 31 – Aug 2, 2015
LocationWalpole, ME, USA
VenueKinesis Classroom
Address180 Clarks Cove Road Walpole, ME 04573
Class Times

9AM – 5PM

Teacher(s)Sharon Hancock Wheeler
Tuition$600 / $550 before June 17th
Credits Earned21 CEs NCBTMB; 21 CEs IASI Cat 2
Cancellation FeeFor cancellations prior to 2 months before class – full refund less $100 admin fee; for cancellations up to 6 weeks prior – 50% refund less $100 fee; Cancellation less than 30 days prior – non-refundable.
ContactBeck or Erin at (888) 546-3747

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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