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From Below to Above: The Fascial and Functional Connections from the Foot to the Pelvis Dissection Livestream with Todd Garica, Julie Hammond and Mel Burns
This special dissection livestream format allows us to go more deeply into the relationships and applications to multiple manual and movement modalities.
This course will be provided over Zoom webinar with multiple camera views, live chat and Q&A.
Recordings will be provided via password protected streaming access for 10 days.
Note: To ensure a high quality student experience, registration for this class will CLOSE on Friday, November 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM EST.
Participant note: Please have a ball (tennis ball is fine) for myofascial release and a yoga block (or book) to stand on available at the time of the webinar.
Module 1: Balancing the Pelvis from Below: Connecting the Foot Core to the pelvis
The feet are an honorary diaphragm. We can’t talk about the pelvis without talking about the feet, as any restriction in the feet will show up in the pelvis and vice versa. Research has shown that ankle position can affect resting pelvic diaphragm tone as well as maximum contraction. In this livestream dissection, we will review the link between the pelvic diaphragm and the feet. We will discuss how common postural restrictions can affect the pelvis from below, and how functional and fascial connections can inform your clinical practice.
Key takeaways in this livestream dissection:
- Understand how working with structures away from the pelvis can facilitate balance
in the pelvis - How alterations in the ankle joint will create compensations above
- How pelvic integrity relies on stable foundations
- Crural Fascia
- Fascia lata
- Anterior rectus sheath
- Talocrural joint
- Subtalar joint
- Deep posterior compartment:
o Tibialis posterior, Flexor Hallicus Longus, Flexor Digitorum Longus - Extrinsic muscles in the lower leg compartments
o Tibialis anterior, Extensor Hallicus longus, Extensor Digirous Longus, Fibularis Longus and Brevis - Adductor longus and brevis
- Adductor magnus- connection into obturator fascia
- Tensor Fascia Latae
- Pectineus
- Femoral triangle
- Pyramidalis
Module 2: A Deep Dive into the Pelvis
In this module we will be exploring the pelvis from superficial to deep. This module will inspire your inner anatomy nerd as we nerd out to “all things pelvis”. The pelvic diaphragm is made up of four layers and all of these layers connect to each other. This beautiful anatomy is often hard to imagine and understand. In this livestream dissection we will review these structures, along with experientials to feel this anatomy in your own body. The key takeaways in this livestream dissection will allow you to understand the pelvic diaphragm from the fascial pelvic diaphragm to the muscles of the external genitals and how they connect with each other. This unique educational event will provide you with a full 3-dimensional experience of the pelvis.
- Deep lateral rotators
- Piriformis- connection with sacrotuberous ligament
- Obturator internus
- Sacrospinous ligament
- Superficial perineal layer
o Bulbospongiosus , ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal muscle - Clitoris
- Perineal membrane
- Perineal body
- Anococcygeal ligament
- Levator ani
- Coccygeus and Illiococcygeus
- Endopelvic fascia and important ligaments
- Uterus (if present)
- Obturator nerve
- Pudendal nerve
- SI joint
- Pubic symphysis