Fascial Release for Structural Balance: Fans of the Hip

$425 / $375 before Aug. 26

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  • September 24 – 25, 2016
  • New York, NY USA
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

This hands-on workshop explores how the hip and pelvis combine to transfer the forces from two legs and into the one spine, playing a complex role in structural-postural balance in the body. This course sheds light on the pelvis – the keystone of human architecture – by organizing the 20 or so muscles of the hip & pelvis into three fans. Get specific with sensitivity.

  • Seeing how the soft tissue is arranged in an easy to understand pattern
  • Using these fans to balance pelvic tilts and torsions
  • Learning how to work accurately, effectively and sensitively with the adductors around the ischial ramus and deep lateral rotators, leading to the pelvic floor
  • The psoas complex and the many variations on ideas of how it does (or does not)affect pelvic, low back and hip patterns

Come explore these muscles via palpation and manual therapy techniques for finding, stretching, opening and understanding the deep lateral rotators, adductors, groin muscles and the pelvic floor.

Anatomy Trains courses give you new techniques to transform structure by reaching deeper issues in the tissues.

DatesSep 24 – 25, 2016
LocationNew York, NY USA
VenueLila Wellness
Address302 Bowery, #2 (between Bleecker & Houston)
New York, NY 10012
Class Times

9:00am-5:00pm each day

Teacher(s)Simone Lindner
Tuition$425 / $375 before Aug. 26
Credits Earned14 CEs
ContactMercy Pardo


Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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