Structural Essentials: Fans of the Hip

$395 / $445 after Nov. 3, 2017

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  • December 1 – 3, 2017
  • Arlington, VA USA
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.


The Structural Essential series is a set of intensive soft-tissue technique courses divided into functional regions. Combining movement and manual techniques for the most efficient and long-lasting results, and using the latest research on the interaction between skeleton, muscles, joints, and fascial proprioceptors, this series of workshops will take you to a new level in therapy.

Designed with the busy therapist in mind, each Structural Essentials event gives you a new understanding of the relevant area. The content will outline how the structural and functional anatomy relates to many common issues as well as to the rest of the body. Based on many new and established approaches this series will give you the skills in palpation, BodyReading and functional analysis needed for the modern multidisciplinary therapist.

PreRequisite: Must have attended the Anatomy Trains in Structure & Function Workshop

Fans of the Hip

The hip and pelvis combine to transfer the forces from two legs and into the one spine and therefore has a hugely complex role to fulfill in the body. Ida Rolf described the pelvis as ‘the joint that determines symmetry’ and it is easy to see why. Differences between the hips can affect down into the legs or up through the spine. Achieving balance here can be essential for long lasting results in any therapy. This course sheds light on the pelvis – the keystone of human architecture – by organizing the 20 or so muscles of the pelvis into three fans. Get specific with sensitivity.

Highlights include:

  • Seeing how the soft tissue is arranged in an easy to understand pattern
  • Using these fans to balance pelvic tilts and torsions
  • Learning how to work accurately, effectively and sensitively with the adductors around the ischial ramus and deep lateral rotators, leading to the pelvic floor
  • The psoas complex and the many variations on ideas of how it does (or does not)
    affect pelvic, low back and hip patterns

The Structural Essentials workshops are most easily absorbed in the order outlined below but you can do them in any order as time permits.

  1. Arches and the Legs – 3 days
  2. Fans of the Hip – 2 ½ days
  3. Abdomen, Chest and Breath – 2 ½ days
  4. Tensegrity Spine – 2 ½ days
  5. Shoulders & Arms – 2 ½ days
  6. Head, Neck & Jaw – 2 days
DatesDec 1 – 3, 2017
LocationArlington, VA USA
VenueThe Teal Center for Therapeutic Bodywork
Address4001 North 9th St., Suite 230
Arlington, VA 22203
Class Times

1:00pm – 5:00pm Friday / 9:00am – 5:00pm Sta & Sun

Teacher(s)Eli Thompson
Tuition$395 / $445 after Nov. 3, 2017
Credits Earned18 CEs NCBTMB; VPTA approval TBD
Cancellation Fee$100 nonrefundable deposit after Nov. 3rd deadline
ContactJennifer Williams / Brenda Teal
703-522-7637 / 703-522-4007
NotesAdditional $100 discount for attendees of a previous Anatomy Trains workshop.

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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