Every Breath You Take: Manual Neurovascular Release for Freer Breathing Live Online with Kieran Schumaker


Course is full.

  • April 1 – 2, 2022
  • Online course
  • This course is intended for Neurovascular Release.

Thank you for your interest. Registration for this course is now closed. Please email info@anatomytrains.com with any questions. 

In this Manual Neurovascular Release class, Kier will be teaching you advanced manual techniques that will improve your clients’ quality and dimension of breath. For class you will need a model to practice on. The format of this four-hour masterclass via Zoom meeting, which is spread out over two days, will provide you opportunity to interact directly with Kier during practice, ask questions as they come up, and also rest your brain in between our two class sessions.

One of Kier’s first goals will be for you to improve your client’s lower rib cage flexibility and their capacity to exhale fully. Release of artery tension to diaphragm and artery supply to esophagus is a part of this. (In addition to improving exhale capacity, these artery techniques help address the root source of a hiatal hernia problem.)

Improving your client’s capacity to exhale fully will prepare them for the highlight of our weekend—systematic attention to vagus nerve tension and pulmonary artery tension within the individual lobes of the lungs, which will allow your client a freer and more complete inhale. We will also explore pleural glide, rib head movement, artery-related rib stiffness, and release of tension for the phrenic nerve supplying the diaphragm.

Many of you will be excited about using these breath-related NVR techniques with your clients who are suffering from “long COVID.” (Experienced clinicians interested in doing research will have enough foundation after this weekend—manual skills and conceptual understanding—that they could begin investigating and planning a series of formal case studies!) Kier encourages you to do this, knows that you will do good work with this population, and will be glad to help you with case study planning, but recommends that you dedicate yourself to practicing these techniques with ten people who don’t have long COVID before you begin such a project.

It is best for your initial learning during this class, and for the model who joins you, if you choose someone to work with who does not have acute or subacute lung symptoms, current infection, or lung disease, and who has not had surgery that involves cutting the ribs. However, someone who has historical bronchial infections or a long-time history of asthma, or someone who just wants freer breathing would be a great choice for your

Note: If you cannot attend this course live, it will be recorded and all registrants will have access for 45 days. 

Course schedule:

Friday, April 1st, 2022

1;00 – 3:00 PM EDT

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022

1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT

Note: To ensure a high quality student experience, registration for this course will CLOSE on Thursday, March 31st at 8 PM EDT. 

Kieran Schumaker is a Board Certified Structural Integrator, Certified ATSI practitioner, and Certified ATSI Teacher. A manual practitioner for over 20 years, she has been studying nerves since 2006, and she added arteries to her special interest list in 2010. Kieran began developing her curriculum on working with nerves and arteries in 2013. Now all the myofascial work they practice and teach is nuanced by their understanding of the neurovasculature.
DatesApr 1 – 2, 2022
LocationOnline course
Class Times

1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT each day

Tuition$225 until March 25th / $300 thereafter
Credits Earned4 CEUs NCBTMB, pending; 4 CECs NPCP; 4 CEs IASI Cat. 1
Cancellation FeeFor cancellations up to 24 hours before the start of the course, full tuition credit to applied towards a future workshop or product. Cancellations within 24 hours before the start of the course, no refunds.
ContactErin or Jacinda

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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