Held at the Esalen Institute: see Esalen website for pricing / accommodation options. https://www.esalen.org/page/esalen-workshop-tuition-including-accommodations
During this workshop designed for licensed manual therapists, you’ll have the opportunity to learn treatment options for the pelvis. A student of Ida Rolf and Moshe Feldenkrais, Tom Myers will help you and apply yourself to the psoas, pelvic floor, adductors, and deep gluteus muscles in order to shake loose the holding patterns that keep our clients and ourselves from experiencing full, flowing energy in walking, digestion, and even sex. Over these five days, the group will explore anatomy and deep skills for the pelvic core. Open up to the wellsprings of movement and let go of deeply held tensions — and learn to do so for others.
This course is open to all licensed manual therapists.