Our industry-leading certification program in Structural Integration is going forward, starting in September 2022. We hope you can join us for this transformational training, in our beautiful coastal Maine classroom, surrounded by nature. Although we cannot know the exact situation for next autumn, Anatomy Trains will continue to follow the Maine CDC and DHHS guidelines.
Note: You (and everyone else associated with the class) will be required to follow extra procedures to ensure group safety. We will be providing guidelines specific to our program, and you can find more information about Maine’s COVID compliance and updates here. Please email info@anatomytrains.com if you need more information.
Tom Myers himself will be kicking off the training with his unique perspective on fascial research, the human condition in our electronic world, and the approaches we can use to restore ease, balance, and long-term resilience to the body in motion.
Supported by our experienced teaching and administrative staff, we will guide you into a new relationship with your own body – through work with classmate partners, teachers, and outside models – progressively building your skills in seeing the pattern and shaping the change.
Immerse yourself in regional anatomy, BodyReading, session strategy and techniques in Part 1, learn and practice a 3 Series of Structural Integration with your classmate partner and with outside models during Part II, and experience a full immersion into the ATSI 12 Series of Structural Integration with your classmate partner and with outside models during Part III. Benefit from experienced supervision and positive support throughout the program.
Please note: If you applied for all three parts, you must choose a payment option for Parts I, II & III. The $500 deposit is applied toward your tuition cost. The total cost of the program is $13,500, and includes the deposit. The pay in full option then becomes $12,000 because your deposit and pay-in-full discount of $1,000 has been applied. We can help you find local accommodation, with varying levels depending on your needs and finances.
ATSI Professional Certification is offered in three parts:
You may take each part separately, in consecutive order, as long as the next part is completed within 2 years of the previous part and based on space availability. That said, most people go through the full training with the same group over the 9 month period.
Full course schedule:
ATSF Maine 2022 (prerequisite course)
September 9 – 11, 2022
Part I – Structural Essentials 2022 (15 days)
September 13 – 17
(Days off: September 18 – 19)
September 20 – 24
(Days off: September 25 – 26)
September 27 – October 1
Part II – Structural Strategies 2022 (10 days)
November 7 – 11
(Days off: November 12 – 13)
November 14 – 18
Part III – Structural Integration 2023 (31 days total)
April 10 – 15
(Days off: April 16 – 17)
April 18 – 22
May 8 – 12
(Days off: May 13 – 14)
May 15 – 19
June 6 – 10
(Days off: June 11 – 12)
June 13 – 17
If you have not yet applied to the program please submit an application.
For questions and inquiries, call Francesca at 888-546-3747, live chat with us online or email info@anatomytrains.com
LEARN MORE About Registration Guidelines, Prerequisites and general course information.