Early bird price of $650 held until May 27 / $750 thereafter
Anatomy Trains ZOGA Face Integration Part I with ATSI certified teacher, physical therapist and founder of ZOGA Movement, Wojtek Cackowski.
What you will learn during the training:
- Analysis of postural patterns and impact on facial aging
- Fascial properties and tensegrity principles relative to the structure of the face
- Creation of individual facial rejuvenation strategies
- How to assess stress vectors and counteract these processes;
You will learn a personalized method tailored to the client’s needs to build an action plan to achieve results.
Three days of learning – lots of information about practical targeted techniques that will complement and enrich what you do, giving you a different, new perspective on working with the facial area.
- Introduction to the method – assumptions of the method, aging processes, types of emotions and their impact on muscle tension
- Anatomy of the face – construction of the myofascial, circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems
- Indications and contraindications for therapy
- Demonstration of techniques used in myofascial therapy
- Working with the neck area. Division into individual muscle groups. anterior, lateral and posterior neck regions
- Techniques of working with the tendon cap area and the masticatory muscle group
- Work with cranio-facial development of expressive muscles depending on the vector
- Intraoral techniques (gloved)
- Rejuvenating techniques for working on lines and wrinkles