Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function: The Superficial, Lateral and Spiral Lines

$275 members / $300 members after March 31

Registration Link

  • May 5 – 6, 2017
  • Arlington, VA USA
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists.

In the first part of this exciting, new and more comprehensive workshop series, you will learn about the myofascial tissue and its many roles in the body.  Participants will see the fascial tissues in context and how they are interdependent with the other body systems.

We will introduce you to the first four main Anatomy Trains –Superficial Front and Back, Lateral and Spiral. We will teach you a range of movement assessments and you will learn a range of Fascial Release Techniques for each of these important lines.

From there we begin to appreciate how the body incorporates the Anatomy Train Lines to create easy and graceful movement – provided they are in some form of balance and harmony; restriction or weakness in one section can have many knock-on effects elsewhere. This workshop will show you how that happens, how to trace the lines of strain and, most importantly, immediately usable strategies to deal with them.

We will address differential diagnosis to help identify motor control or soft tissue restrictions and where they may be coming from – we will show you the interdependent relationships between many of the tissues and how they interact.

This exciting and fun workshop is delivered with clarity and with your practice in mind you will have useful and usable skills by the end of the two days.

Research will be referenced showing the roles of fascia in the body, making this an up-to-date and highly effective skill-building workshop. This will include a synthesis of Robert Schleip’s work on how we can affect the fascia through stimulating different mechanoreceptors. Further, we will draw from the approaches of many other top researchers and practitioners from across the world of fascial manipulation and functional anatomy.

Learn to see and correct the myofascial patterns of the body by gradually building BodyReading skills you will learn to interpret movement and postural patterns. We all want to have a 3-dimensional vision of the body and this workshop is the first step towards establishing those skills for yourself.

Strategies – we will teach you to reliably connect with the fascial tissues, the many ways in which you can mobilize them and, most importantly, the reasons why you would do it and when. A range of powerful techniques will be presented in the context of their structural and functional influences making this a unique workshop that will lead you to the deeper skills explored through the rest of the series.


Anatomy Trains is the perfect introduction to myofascial anatomy for any manualtherapist. Functional movement assessments and palpation skills are included within the class alongside standing and table based manual therapy. It therefore gives a range of skills and a new vocabulary to practitioners of various disciplines. The manual therapy and BodyReading elements require some degree of disrobing that is done discreetly and no-one is forced to any level beyond their comfort.

Note: Part 2 of this series covers the remaining Anatomy Train lines (Deep Front Line, Arm and Functional Lines) and allow deeper exploration of the main concepts behind the whole system – structural and functional analysis and refining fascial touch skills. If there is an interest, this course can be offered at another time.


DatesMay 5 – 6, 2017
LocationArlington, VA USA
VenueHoliday Inn at Ballston
Address4610 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
Class Times

9:00am – 6:00pm each day

Teacher(s)Jason Spitalnik
Tuition$275 members / $300 members after March 31
Credits Earned16 CEs NCBTMB

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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