Anatomy Trains® for Manual Therapists
One short course. . . long-lasting results for you!
A revolutionary map with practical results! Anatomy Trains® Myofascial Meridian intensives transform your view of myofascial anatomy and expand your ability to assess postural and movement patterns, and to create lasting fascial change with your hands.
Anatomy Trains moves beyond the familiar mechanical actions of muscles to the integrative relational connections of real-life functional movement. Use this holistic map to analyze soft-tissue patterns, and develop strategies for unwinding these patterns via fascial and myofascial work.
Anatomy Trains offers skills that hands-on therapists, regardless of their modality, can use to see their clients more clearly and work more effectively
Workshop Format:
The workshop is split into equal time on 1) lecture/presentation, 2) BodyReading™ and postural analysis, and 3) Fascial Release techniques from Tom’s KMI Structural Integration and movement education library.
This course helps you:
– BodyRead your client’s postural and movement patterns with greater accuracy and integration
– Gain access to effective treatment strategies for resolving postural distortions, by working at
some distance from the site of pain or limitation
– Enable you to make distinct changes in your clients’ structure in a few short moves
Course Objectives:
– Understand basic properties and connected nature of fascia in posture and movement.
– Gain a succinct and relevant introduction to the connective tissue, and fascial planes
– Be able to identify and trace the 12 fascial meridians along which movement, tension, and
postural distortion travel
– Be able to BodyRead™ postural patterns based on analysis of Anatomy Trains lines
– Apply knowledge to construct a bodywork session appropriate to each client’s pattern
– This course also serves as a prerequisite for entry in the KMI 500-hour Certification Training
Learning Environment:
– Illustrated lecture
– Open inquiry atmosphere; questions encouraged; vitality and humor welcome
– Participants will exchange and practice manual therapy techniques on one another
– Practice BodyReading (visual assessment) under supervised analysis of instructor(s)