Anatomy Trains I

1200 PLN including tax

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  • October 15 – 16, 2015
  • Gdansk, Poland
  • This course is intended for Manual Therapists & Movement Professionals.

Learn about the myofascial tissue and its role in the body, see it in context and how it is interdependent with the other body systems. From there we begin to see how the body incorporates the Anatomy Train Lines to create easy and graceful movement – provided they are in some form of balance and harmony; restriction or weakness in one can have many knock effects.

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce you to the first four main lines – Superficial Front and Back, Lateral and Spiral. For each of the lines we will teach you a range of movement assessments and learn the basics of Fascial Release Technique.

This is the first workshop to combine Anatomy Trains theory alongside structural and functional anatomy and analysis, blending together the concepts of tensegrity with elastic recoil for movement efficiency. We will address differential diagnosis to help identify for motor control or soft tissue restrictions and where they may be coming from.

This is an exciting and fun workshop delivered with clarity and with your practice in mind – you will have useful and usable skills by the end of the two days.


  • Introduce the AT lines in static posture and introduces functional movement assessment.
  • Understand many of the roles of the fascial tissues in the body
  • Introduce Tom Myers’ unique style of BodyReading, letting you clearly see skeletal relationships using the vocabulary of Bend, Tilt, Shift, and Rotate.
  • To be able to see and understand the distal influences through the body – how does the shoulder relate to the opposite foot? – and why we need to assess the whole body if we are to make a lasting change
  • Learn to accurately palpate fascial areas through feeling different qualities of tissue
  • BodyReading areas in detail, making you ready to explore the body through the FRSB series
  • Movement analysis will be utilised to further aid the vision of the fascial layers gliding.
  • To relate global and local tensegrity – expresses versus locals – AT lines versus single muscles – and to understand the necessity of balancing locally as well as the overall posture.

This will relate to the forthcoming FRSB series of regional workshops that will follow the locals more closely.

Learning Environment:

  • Illustrated lecture
  • Open inquiry atmosphere; questions encouraged; high degree of vitality and humour
  • Participants will exchange palpation and practice BodyReading (visual assessment) on one another under supervised analysis of instructor and assistants.

Much more research will be referenced showing the roles of fascia in the body, making this an up to date and highly effective skill-building workshop

DatesOct 15 – 16, 2015
LocationGdansk, Poland
VenueHotel Dal
Addressul. Czarny Dwor 4, 80-365 Gdansk
Class Times

9:00am – 5:30pm each day

Teacher(s)Wojtek Cackowski
Tuition1200 PLN including tax / 1100 PLN including tax before 04.09.2015
Credits Earned14 CEs
ContactPiotr Weppe
+48 507163953

Get in touch if you have questions about this course.

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