Robin Shaw’s curiosity about the body and its connection to the world it inhabits is the foundation for her work as a KMI Practitioner. She graduated from the Muscular Therapy Institute in 1998 and has since continued her bodywork training with Tom Myers (KMI Structural Integration), Judith Aston (Aston Patterning), Hugh Milne (Visionary Craniosacral Therapy), and Yaron Gal (Thai Yoga Massage). In addition, she has studied with yogis and dancers such as Rodney Yee, Tias Little, Baron Baptiste, Bo Forbes and Martin Keough (Contact Improvisation). Training with these masters has given her the opportunity to offer work that is steeped in strong technical skills, deep personal practice, and full presence to her clients and their questions. Robin is licensed and certified to offer bodywork sessions and yoga instruction, and explores Contact Improvisation in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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