Paul F. Caswell is a Bodywork and Sports Massage Practitioner and has been in private practice since 1991. His vision is to promote and support physical, energetic, and emotional health – in body, mind, and spirit. Paul has a passion and continuum for the study and practice of bodywork therapy and education of human beings as an art and science since 1989. The areas include: Structural and Movement Education, Somatic, Myofascial and Integrative Support, Sports Massage, Deep Tissue and Muscular Therapy. The works of and education with Tom Myers, Kinesis Myofascial Integration, Caryn McHose, Evolutionary Movement Integration, Grace Chan, Sports Massage and Osteopathy, Paul Gordon, Advanced Rolfer and Anatomist, Ben Benjamin, Deep Tissue, Cross Fiber, and Muscular Therapy and the philosophy of Ida P. Rolf, Structural Integration. Paul’s research and development also include: Athletic Training, Sports Psychology, Exercise Physiology, and Kinesiology. He holds a license as a massage practitioner, diploma in kinesis myofascial integration and muscular therapy and national certification in event sports massage. Paul is also a professional member of the International Association of Structural Integrators and the American Massage Therapy Association. Paul has been the Director of the NH – AMTA Sports Massage Team (Since 1996) and is the former sports massage therapist to the Boston University’s men’s track and cross-country teams (1990-1996). As the owner of Performance Muscular Therapy of Portsmouth, NH his clientele is the physically active, recreational and fitness, competitive and elite athletes. Paul is an athlete of more than thirty years, with achievements in and motivation for running, cycling, triathlons, duathlons, and yoga.
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