
  • Board Certified Structural Integrator, Kinesis Myofascial Integration, Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, Structural Bodywork, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue

Mark Pearlscott

Seattle, WA, USA

Mark has been interested in the human form since 1986, and how our shape determines our experience of life. In particular, Mark has been pursuing how to create a better more functional body to help his clients be more comfortable in their own skin. His quest has been to unravel the tissues patterns which cause imbalance, induce pain, and result from injury.

As part of this pursuit to create better bodies, his education includes various soft-tissue release trainings from instructors and schools including; Deane Juhanne, Stuart Taus, St. John Neuromuscular Therapy, Upledger Institute, and Kinesis Myofascial Integration/Structural Integration with Lauren Christman, Larry Phipps, and Tom Myers. Throughout these and other trainings, as well as his personal research, Mark is looking for the underlying thread which sheds light on the fundamentals of human form, and how we can correct it as efficiently as possible.

Mark loves learning and sharing what he learns with his clients. Educating them on the body, how to better utilize it, and how to do self-care are also significant components of his practice. Clients can help speed their healing process drastically the more they participate.

Currently Mark is practicing in Seattle, Washington working with clients to deal with acute and chronic problems in addition to providing more formal 12-series Structural Integration work. More information can be found on his website http://www.treatmentmassage.com/.

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