Kathy has been striving for holistic health. Observing people’s posture, movement patterns and gait, and connecting them to their life experiences is her interest. She believes that once we can see and understand the messages conveyed by various body postures and pains, we can activate our self-healing abilities—leading us into a broader and freer world.
Kathy is passionate about helping individuals improve chronic pain issues, enhance physical abilities, improve various body postures and self-image, release emotional stress stored in the body, and explore our natural state of balance of our body.
WhatsApp: +852-5722-5388
MSc in Sports Medicine and Health Science (CUHK)
BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU)
Acupuncture Accreditation (HKPA)
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Practitioner (ATSI)
Diploma in Football Medicine (FIFA)
Diploma in Modern Acupuncture (MASI)
Certificate in Spinal Manipulation (MASI)
Kinesio Taping Express Certificate