
  • Anatomy Trains Structural Integration
  • Myofascial Release
  • Thai Massage
  • Myofascial Barefoot Massage

Jeni Spring, LMT

San Antonio, TX, USA

Jeni Spring is a newly Certified Structural Integrator as of 2023, but has been a practitioner of Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage since 2003, a Massage Therapist since 2002, and an Ashiatsu instructor since 2009. Jeni splits her time between teaching advanced Barefoot Massage classes through her continuing education company, The Center for Barefoot Massage, across the nation and you’ll find her providing public sessions at her local business, Heeling Sole, in San Antonio, Texas.

Expect your SI Sessions at Heeling Sole with Jeni to be from her sole: as in, she’s going to use different aspects of her highly skilled and experienced feet to provide as many of the Structural Integration techniques as is appropriate and safe for your body and session.

Contact Jeni

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