Jackie St. Laurent is a certified and licensed graduate of Bancroft School Of Massage Therapy and certified with NCBTMB (National Board of Ceretification).
AMTA member (American Massage Therapy Association)
Certified KMI Structural Bodywork (KMI = Kinesis Myofascial Integration) with Tom Myers (rolfer / anatomist designer)
Somatic Integrative Therapy: based on structural and functional therapy designed by: Josef Della Grotte, a Feldenkrais practioner
Certified with Robert King: myofascial massage
Certified with Core Institute: myofascial massage
Somatic Pain Management with Dr. Stephen Mann
Certified in Orthopedic Massage
Visceral Manipulation with Conrad Oppenheimer
Jackie St. Laurent’s career with bodywork started in early 1980 and has continued her education since. She has also attended many other types of therapy. Among them Aston Patterning, a therapy that accesses structure, function and movement, such as walking and sitting.
My experience, training and ongoing education have given me a range of techniques to offer clients. My goal is to reduce stress, to improve their quality of life and general well being!
Earning the trust of the client is a priority, getting the results are the rewards.